【同义词辨析】 2017-07-11 战略strategy-logistics
strategy: applies to the art or science of fundamental military planning for the overall effective use of forces in war: sought a ~ that would maximize the use of air power. (science科学: 对现象的观察和解释the observation and explanation of phenomenon,如the physical science自然科学,the social science社会科学) (art艺术: 个人独有的难以解释的创造能力implies a personal, unanalyzable creative power,如an art for saying the right thing说话的艺术)
tactics: applies to the handling of forces in the field or in action and suggests the actual presence of an enemy force: known for their daring ~ in battle. 战场上大胆的战术运用
logistics: is the art or science of military supply or transportation, both planning and implementation in all their aspects: wrestled with the ~ of the campaign. wrestle扭打搏斗,wrestler摔跤手
strategy战略: 指战争中为了有效使用武力,而制订的总体军事计划,tactics战术: 指在战场上实际使用武力,和敌军对垒,logistics后勤: 指军事补给运输,包括计划和实施
记忆方法: 1)首字母STL想成图胜利<==战略
2)战略的意思是军事科学的一方面mean an aspect of military science. (spect词根表示看to look at, 因此aspect表示一个小视角,即方面,专业文章中经常出现)